Water Soluble Fertilizer

Shivratna - N:P:K:+TE 00:60:20

NPK+TE 00:60:20 fertilizer offers numerous benefits for plant growth:

  1. Root Development: High phosphorus content stimulates root growth, enhancing nutrient uptake efficiency.
  2. Flowering and Fruiting: Phosphorus and potassium promote flowering, fruiting, and overall plant health.
  3. Energy Transfer: Phosphorus supports essential energy transfer processes within plants.
  4. Micronutrient Availability: Trace elements ensure balanced nutrition and prevent deficiencies.
  5. Chlorophyll Synthesis: Included trace elements facilitate chlorophyll production for healthy leaf development.
  6. Stress Tolerance: Potassium improves plant resilience to environmental stresses like drought and salinity.
  7. Crop Quality: Balanced nutrition enhances crop quality attributes such as color, taste, and nutritional value.
Shivratna - N:P:K:+TE 14:48:00

NPK+TE 14:48:00 fertilizer provides several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Stimulated Root Growth: High phosphorus (P) content (48%) promotes strong root development, improving nutrient uptake and overall plant vigor.

  2. Enhanced Flowering and Fruit Formation: Phosphorus is crucial for flower and fruit production, leading to improved yield and crop quality.

  3. Improved Energy Transfer: Phosphorus supports energy transfer processes within the plant, essential for photosynthesis and metabolism.

  4. Optimized Nutrient Balance: Balanced ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) ensure proper plant nutrition, fostering healthy growth and development.

  5. Micronutrient Supplementation: Addition of trace elements (TE) provides essential micronutrients like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B), supporting various metabolic functions and enzyme activities.

  6. Enhanced Chlorophyll Production: Iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg) promote chlorophyll synthesis, vital for photosynthesis and overall plant health.

  7. Increased Stress Tolerance: Adequate potassium (K) levels improve plant resilience to environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and disease pressure.

  8. Improved Crop Quality: Balanced nutrition ensures optimal crop quality, including better color, taste, and nutritional value.

Shivratna - N:P:K 19:19:19

NPK 19:19:19 fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Equal ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) provide balanced nutrition essential for overall plant health.

  2. Stimulated Growth: Adequate nitrogen (N) content (19%) supports vigorous vegetative growth, promoting lush foliage and strong stems.

  3. Root Development: Phosphorus (P) content (19%) stimulates root development, enhancing nutrient uptake and improving plant resilience.

  4. Flowering and Fruit Formation: Potassium (K) content (19%) promotes flowering, fruiting, and overall plant reproduction, leading to improved yield and crop quality.

  5. Disease Resistance: Balanced nutrition supports plant immunity, enhancing resistance to pests and diseases.

  6. Drought Tolerance: Potassium (K) helps plants withstand drought stress by regulating water uptake and retention.

  7. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Balanced NPK ratios ensure efficient uptake and utilization of nutrients, reducing nutrient wastage and environmental impact.

  8. Improved Crop Quality: Balanced nutrition results in healthier, more vibrant plants and better-quality produce.

Shivratna - N:P:K:+TE 17:44:00

NPK+TE 17:44:00 fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Optimized Nutrient Balance: Balanced ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) support overall plant health and growth.

  2. Stimulated Root Development: Adequate phosphorus (P) content (44%) promotes strong root growth, enhancing nutrient uptake efficiency and plant resilience.

  3. Vigorous Vegetative Growth: High nitrogen (N) content (17%) stimulates lush foliage and vigorous vegetative growth, leading to healthier plants.

  4. Enhanced Flowering and Fruiting: Balanced potassium (K) levels (44%) promote flower formation, fruit development, and overall reproductive health, resulting in improved yield and crop quality.

  5. Supplementation of Micronutrients: Addition of trace elements (TE) ensures the availability of essential micronutrients like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B), supporting various metabolic processes and enzyme activities.

  6. Improved Stress Tolerance: Adequate potassium (K) levels help plants withstand environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and disease pressure, enhancing overall plant resilience.

  7. Balanced Nutrition: The combination of NPK with trace elements ensures balanced nutrition, promoting healthy growth, and development throughout the plant’s life cycle.

  8. Enhanced Crop Quality: Balanced nutrition and improved nutrient uptake contribute to better crop quality, including color, taste, and nutritional value.

Shivratna - N:P:K 00:00:50

N:P:K 00:00:50 (potassium sulfate) fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Promotes Flowering and Fruit Formation: High potassium (K) content (50%) enhances flowering, fruiting, and overall reproductive health of plants, leading to improved yield and crop quality.

  2. Enhanced Disease Resistance: Potassium (K) strengthens cell walls, improving plant immunity and resistance to diseases and pests.

  3. Regulates Water Balance: Potassium (K) helps regulate water uptake and retention within plants, improving drought tolerance and reducing water stress.

  4. Improves Nutrient Uptake: Potassium (K) facilitates the uptake and transportation of other nutrients within plants, enhancing overall nutrient efficiency.

  5. Enhances Photosynthesis: Potassium (K) is essential for chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis, promoting healthy leaf development and efficient carbon assimilation.

  6. Increases Tolerance to Environmental Stress: Potassium (K) helps plants withstand environmental stresses such as salinity, heat, and cold, improving overall plant resilience.

  7. Improves Crop Quality: Balanced potassium (K) levels contribute to better crop quality attributes such as color, taste, and nutritional value.

Shivratna - N:P:K 13:40:13

N:P:K 13:40:13 fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Root Development: Balanced phosphorus (P) content (40%) stimulates strong root growth, enhancing nutrient uptake efficiency and overall plant resilience.

  2. Vigorous Vegetative Growth: High nitrogen (N) content (13%) promotes lush foliage and vigorous vegetative growth, leading to healthier plants.

  3. Flowering and Fruit Formation: Balanced potassium (K) levels (13%) promote flower and fruit development, resulting in improved yield and crop quality.

  4. Stress Tolerance: Adequate potassium (K) levels help plants withstand environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and disease pressure, enhancing overall plant resilience.

  5. Improved Nutrient Uptake: Balanced ratios of N, P, and K ensure efficient uptake and utilization of nutrients, reducing nutrient wastage and environmental impact.

  6. Enhanced Crop Quality: Balanced nutrition contributes to better crop quality attributes such as color, taste, and nutritional value.

Shivratna - N:P:K 00:00:23

N:P:K 00:00:23 (potassium Schoenite) fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Potassium Supply: High potassium (K) content (23%) provides plants with a readily available source of potassium, promoting overall plant health and vigor.

  2. Stress Tolerance: Potassium (K) helps plants withstand various environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and temperature fluctuations, enhancing resilience and reducing crop losses.

  3. Fruit and Flower Formation: Adequate potassium (K) levels support flower and fruit development, leading to improved yield and crop quality.

  4. Cellular Function: Potassium (K) is essential for numerous physiological processes within plants, including enzyme activation, osmoregulation, and nutrient transportation, ensuring proper cellular function and metabolism.

  5. Disease Resistance: Potassium (K) strengthens plant cell walls, enhancing resistance to diseases and pests, and promoting overall plant immunity.

  6. Improved Water Use Efficiency: Potassium (K) regulates stomatal opening and closure, improving water use efficiency and reducing water stress in plants.

  7. Balanced Nutrition: A balanced N:P:K ratio ensures optimal nutrient uptake and utilization, promoting healthy plant growth and development.

Shivratna - N:P:K 00:52:34

N:P:K 00:52:34 (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Phosphorus Supply: High phosphorus (P) content (52%) promotes strong root development, flowering, and fruiting, leading to improved crop yield and quality.

  2. Nitrogen Boost: Ammonium nitrogen (N) content (34%) stimulates vigorous vegetative growth and lush foliage, enhancing overall plant vigor and resilience.

  3. Balanced Nutrition: A balanced ratio of N:P ensures optimal nutrient uptake and utilization, promoting healthy growth and development throughout the plant’s life cycle.

  4. Improved Flowering and Fruit Formation: Phosphorus (P) supports flower and fruit development, while nitrogen (N) promotes flower initiation and overall reproductive health, resulting in improved yield and crop quality.

  5. Enhanced Root Growth: High phosphorus (P) content encourages robust root development, improving nutrient and water uptake efficiency and enhancing plant establishment and resilience.

  6. Increased Stress Tolerance: Adequate phosphorus (P) levels help plants withstand environmental stresses such as drought, cold, and disease pressure, enhancing overall plant resilience and reducing crop losses.

  7. Optimized Fertilization: Mono Ammonium Phosphate provides a convenient source of both nitrogen and phosphorus, simplifying fertilizer application and ensuring uniform nutrient distribution in the soil.

Shivratna - N:P:K 12:61:00

N:P:K 12:61:00 (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Phosphorus Boost: High phosphorus (P) content (61%) stimulates robust root development, enhancing nutrient uptake efficiency and overall plant health.

  2. Nitrogen Boost: Ammonium nitrogen (N) content (12%) promotes vigorous vegetative growth and lush foliage, enhancing plant vigor and biomass production.

  3. Balanced Nutrition: A balanced ratio of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) ensures optimal nutrient uptake and utilization, promoting healthy growth and development throughout the plant’s life cycle.

  4. Improved Flowering and Fruit Formation: Phosphorus (P) supports flower and fruit development, while nitrogen (N) promotes flower initiation and overall reproductive health, resulting in improved yield and crop quality.

  5. Enhanced Root Growth: High phosphorus (P) content encourages strong root growth, improving nutrient and water uptake efficiency and enhancing plant establishment and resilience.

  6. Increased Energy Production: Phosphorus (P) is essential for ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production, which fuels various metabolic processes in plants, promoting energy-intensive activities like flowering and fruiting.

  7. Reduced Transplant Shock: Adequate phosphorus (P) levels help plants establish quickly after transplanting, reducing transplant shock and promoting uniform growth.

  8. Optimized Fertilization: Mono Ammonium Phosphate provides a convenient source of both nitrogen and phosphorus, simplifying fertilizer application and ensuring uniform nutrient distribution in the soil.

Shivratna - Calcium Nitrate

Calcium nitrate fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Provides essential nutrients including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca), ensuring balanced nutrition for healthy plant growth.

  2. Nitrogen Supply: Nitrogen (N) promotes lush foliage and vigorous vegetative growth, enhancing overall plant vigor.

  3. Phosphorus Boost: Phosphorus (P) stimulates strong root development, improving nutrient uptake efficiency and plant establishment.

  4. Potassium Contribution: Potassium (K) supports flower and fruit development, leading to improved yield and crop quality.

  5. Calcium Enrichment: Calcium (Ca) plays a crucial role in cell wall structure, enhancing plant cell strength and disease resistance.

  6. Improved Nutrient Uptake: Calcium nitrate facilitates the absorption and transport of other nutrients within plants, improving overall nutrient efficiency and plant health.

  7. Enhanced Stress Tolerance: Adequate calcium levels help plants tolerate environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and disease pressure, enhancing overall plant resilience.

  8. Reduced Blossom End Rot: Calcium helps prevent disorders like blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers by ensuring proper calcium uptake and utilization.

  9. Balanced pH: Calcium nitrate can help maintain soil pH levels, promoting optimal nutrient availability for plant uptake.

Shivratna - N:P:K 13:00:45

N:P:K 13:00:45 (Potassium Nitrate) fertilizer provides these key benefits:

  1. Plant Health: High potassium content (45%) promotes overall plant vigor and resilience.

  2. Growth Promotion: Balanced nitrogen (13%) encourages lush foliage and biomass production.

  3. Fruitfulness: Optimal nitrogen and potassium levels support flower and fruit development, improving yield and quality.

  4. Nutrient Uptake: Potassium enhances nutrient absorption and transport within plants, improving overall nutrient efficiency.

  5. Stress Resistance: Adequate potassium levels help plants tolerate environmental stresses like drought and salinity.

  6. Disease Resistance: Potassium strengthens cell walls, enhancing plant immunity against diseases and pests.

  7. Water Efficiency: Potassium regulation improves water use efficiency, reducing water stress in plants.

Shivratna - N:P:K 10:54:10+TE

N:P:K 10:54:10+TE fertilizer offers several benefits for plant growth and development:

  1. Optimized Nutrient Balance: Balanced ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) ensure proper plant nutrition, supporting healthy growth and development.

  2. Enhanced Root Development: Phosphorus (P) stimulates strong root growth, improving nutrient uptake efficiency and plant establishment.

  3. Vigorous Vegetative Growth: Nitrogen (N) promotes lush foliage and vigorous vegetative growth, enhancing overall plant vigor.

  4. Improved Flowering and Fruit Formation: Balanced levels of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) support flower and fruit development, leading to increased yield and crop quality.

  5. Micronutrient Supplementation: Addition of trace elements (TE) provides essential micronutrients like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B), supporting various metabolic processes and enzyme activities.

  6. Stress Tolerance: Adequate potassium (K) levels help plants withstand environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and disease pressure, enhancing overall plant resilience.

  7. Balanced Nutrition: The combination of N:P:K with trace elements ensures balanced nutrition, promoting healthy growth and development throughout the plant’s life cycle.

Shivneri Agri and Biotech
Location :

Shivneri Agri and Biotech D-Sector, Plot No. D-167/10, Five Star MIDC, Shendra MIDC, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar - 431154, Maharashtra, India.

Contact us :

+91 240 299 0182

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Welcome to Shivneri Agri And Biotech, a trusted manufacturer of agrochemical products based in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Maharashtra. Specializing in the production of various agrochemical products, we are committed to providing effective and sustainable solutions to meet farmers’ needs. Classified as a Microenterprise for the financial year 2023-24.

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